1 06 2009

11 AM OERC Phone Conference:


  1. Meeting Minutes Approval
  2. Approval of steering committee letter
  3. Completion of letter to contributing members
  4. Presentation for INCTR meeting in Turkey, March 21-24, 2009. Opportunity to recruit contributing and "user" members with demo. of OERC.Merlot.org
  5. Further discussion of funding strategy
  6. Description of organization table and component roles & relationships
  7. Mini-agenda for meeting with Richard Pestell of INCTR-USA
  8. Formal recognition of OERC affiliation with INCTR as our "anchor" organization. Need for an "anchor" university affiliation.
  9. Initiate budget discussion
  10. OCW Consortium Membership [Anil]

Additional old business:

  1. Newletter
  2. To do list
  3. Partners list
  4. MERLOT site activation
  5. Replacing IBH with CTIS in all ongoing documents
  6. PubCan and Paul Kleihuis

1pm Meeting: 90 Minute Training Session with Gerry Hanely. See below:

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Hanley, Gerry <ude.etatslac|yelnahg#ude.etatslac|yelnahg> wrote:

Anil and Cathy,
Tomorrow at 9:30 am (PDT), we have a 90 min conference call planned to conduct initial training for some of the OERC people to learn how to contribute materials to MERLOT.
On the OERC website, there's some information: http://teachingcommons.cdl.edu/oerc/contribute/cataloging. We could begin with contributing Ian's materials at http://inctr.ctisinc.com:9000/sites/InCTR/OERC/default.aspx but it appears that you need to log into his server and there isn't a unique URL for each of his PPT's. We can catalog Ian's entire site, catalog different sections of his site (e.g. cancer control - general), and there are other links on Ian's site that we can add as a first step.
We'll use my conference call #:
Dial: 866-213-2185
access code: 5042895
Anil, I've invited Cathy Swift to join us. She has been training many groups of people for many years and will a key resource as OERC develops from a "taskforce" to an editorial board.


1-06-08 11am Conference call

Andrea Okrentowich
Anil Srivastava
Dianne Kaseman
Larry Lessin
Ian Magrath
Gerry Hanely

1. Meeting Minutes Approval

Dianne has one issue with the minutes but is away from her desk so she will email Andrea with it later today. Other than this, the meeting minutes are fine.

2. Approval of steering committee letter

Decision: The steering committee letter needs to be resent to Dianne and posted on wiki for review

3. Completion of letter to contributing members

Discussion: There are two things that need to be done (1) signature page is needed and (2) A link to creative commons. Exec. committee was waiting to hear from Martin for legal review however after discussing the necessity of this decided that legal review is not needed. Anil stated that referring to Creative Commons in intellectual property matters will erase the need for legal review. Gerry mentioned that MERLOT strongly encourages Creative Commons to protect contributions. There is however a choice of how the contributor would like to protect the submission during the submission process. MERLOT is a catalog and stays away from ownership of any material - Merlot only gives strong advice and the benefit of Creative Commons.
Gerry went on to explain that MERLOT can filter OERC collection for those contributions choosing Creative Commons - having this requirement for the larger community however the larger community is not ready.

Decisions: Andrea and Dianne will create the signature page with Larry's signature included. OERC would like to filter their contributions for Creative Commons material only.

4. Presentation for INCTR meeting in Turkey, March 21-24, 2009. Opportunity to recruit contributing and "user" members with demo. of OERC.Merlot.org

Discussion: Larry has agreed to attend the conference in Turkey and hold a presentation. He needs the OERC.Merlot.org site ready in time for the conference. His presentation will include recruiting to members to join. Larry will share his PPT presentations with us as he creates them.
Ian agrees with Larry and would like him to present the OERC idea during his presentation as well as encourage use of the site. Larry will need signature forms printed out for use at the conference. He will set up a booth.
Dianne wondered if news of the upcoming conference could go in the newsletter and the Executive committee agreed.
Gerry has a suggestion. He stated that MERLOT has recruitment brochures and Andrea can look through the brochures templates and create an OERC brochure.

Decisions: Add conference info to newsletter. Andrea will be in contact with Kathy Swift via Gerry to work on creating an OERC brochure for the upcoming conference.

5. Further discussion of funding strategy

Discussion: There is no solid funding as of now according to Anil; however Andrea and Anil have been working on researching funders. Once funder Anil had alerted everyone to early last week, Arthur Vining Davis Foundation, was one option that he would like Andrea to write a letter to. Larry suggested that Andrea draft generic funding letters which would go out to various possible funders as needed.

Decision: Andrea will create a generic funding letter to send to potential funders; she will also send one of these letters to the Arthur Vining Davis Foundation.

6. Description of organization table and component roles & relationships

Discussion: Larry stressed the importance of creating a descriptive table which would detail everyones role in OERC invcluding the steering and executive committees.

Decisions: Andrea will work on creating this table with the advisement of Dianne

7. Mini-agenda for meeting with Richard Pestell of INCTR-USA

Discussion: Exec. Committtee needs to create a list for discussion with Richard of INCTR-USA on January 13, 2009. The committee would like INCTR-USA to become the organization to manage OERC funding.
(This includes item #9) What would the budget be used for? OERC would use the budget to fund Andrea's work and other part time staff members.
Anil discussed the political conflicts between Raj and INCTR-USA. Raj and Anil discussed this matter earlier in the week. Somebody from CTIS should be on the board of INCTR-USA b/c political issues will come up.
The group addresses Ian on whether INCTR-USA involvement is necessary. Ian responded that INCTR-USA has not been very successful with it's responsibility of finding financial and human resources. Ian is searching for a role for INCTR-USA that will give it substance - to give it a role to seek funding. There is a need for a OERC member(s) to be put on the INCTR-USA board. Plan B would be to get INCTR-Brussels involved.
Anil explained that there is a struggle between CTIS and INCTR-USA. If there is marginal involvement of INCTR-USA, Raj may not be supportive. Anil questioned whether to get NCI [?] involved. Ian stated that he was not sure. That INCTR-Brussels receives funding from numerous funders that are not government and that governemtn funding is not necessary.
Larry questioned whether there was a structure of board members etc. of INCTR-USA that can be viewed before the meeting with Richard. Ian resopnded that he does have documents that he can send to Exec. Committee members. There is also a link on the INCTR.org website that lists the members involved.

1. Ian will send INCTR-USA structure docs to Executive Committee members.
2. The agenda for Richard will be as follows:
A. propose to richard that INCTR-USA manage OERC funding (If he is interested we will then question how it will be done and who would be responsible.
B. OERC would like to have representation on the INCTR-USA board
C. Would the Jefferson University Cancer Center become a contributor of material?

8. Formal recognition of OERC affiliation with INCTR as our "anchor" organization. Need for an "anchor" university affiliation.

Discussion: Anil would like the Executive Committee to consider a relationship with John Hopkins (this involves item #10). The committee had a positive response to Anils suggestion. Anil will propose this affiliation with Hopkins in today's meeting and will follow up with the Exec. Committee after the meeting. Larry questioned the term anchor organization and Ian suggested the term "lead" organization. This was accepted by the committee.

Decisions: Anil will propose the affiliation with Hopkins during a meeting with them today and will report back to OERC Exec. Committee. The term lead will be used rather than anchor.

9. Initiate budget discussion
Discussed previously in item #7

10. OCW Consortium Membership [Anil]
Discussion: Anil would like to propose a membership to OCW. An application would need to be submitted.

Gerry also mentioned that there is a conference in Texas by Connections and questioned whether OERC would be coming.

Decision: Place Texas convention on next week's agenda. Andrea will research the convention and send information to Exec. committee members.

Additional old business:

1. Newletter
2. To do list
3. Partners list
4. MERLOT site activation
5. Replacing IBH with CTIS in all ongoing documents
6. PubCan and Paul Kleihuis

The only old business to discussed is the steering committee needs blurbs of each member.
Decision: Andrea will send emails to members requesting small blurbs from members. Anil and Andrea will follow up this afternoon.

This Weeks To-Do List

Send Andrea the edit for 12-30 minutes
Work with Andrea on Signature Page
Add conference in Turkey information to newsletter
Work with Andrea on the roles of members


Resend Steering committee letter to Dianne for review and to Andrea for posting on the wiki

Contact Kathy Swift and work on creating OERC Brochure
Add conference in Turkey information to newsletter
Work with Dianne on Signature Page
Create generic funding letter to send to potential funders - send letter to Arthur Vining Davis Foundation
Create a table with the roles of executive and steering committee members - work with Dianne
Research Texas convention and send to Exec. Committee members and add to agenda for next week
Send Emails to Steering Committee members requesting short bio for inclusion of newsletter.

Send INCTR-USA structure to Exec. Committee members

Report back to Exec. Committee members on the results of Hopkin's meeting

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