April 21, 2009

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1. Approve minutes of last two meetings

2. Recap of funding strategies and related TO DO list
2.1 Business plan and budget
2.2 Grant writer and proposal(s)
2.3 Petty cahs fund and account with INCTR
3. Recap of OERC.Merlot.org session and related TO DO list
3.1 Adding content to the site
3.2 Activating site and notifying contributors and users
3.3 Text for "Health Care Professionals", "Patients & Families" tabs
4.0 Steering Committee meeting at ASCO, "to be or not to be" and if so where, when.
4.1 Additonal members for steering committee
5.0 ?Presentation at CaBIG meeting in DC in July
6.0 Newsletter status(was Spring issue emailed?) ? Next issue.
7.0 Dr. Primack unable to make most calls, but willing to stay on. Exec. Com.
8.0 Discussion of the World Bank NCD initiatve as a funding opportunity


1. Introduction of Felicia (Resume)

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